Meet the i love you, bro Team

  • Joe’s journey started when on his way to a basketball game with his daughters, he recognized a brother in a suicide crisis. After getting out of his car to help, the only words that came to mind in that terrifying moment were, “i love you, bro.” From there, Joe was able to help the man.

    This experience left Joe wondering why he couldn’t have helped before it got to that point. Joe’s journey led him to an awareness of the mental health challenge facing his brothers and from there, the i love you, bro project was born.

    Joe has a history of serving to strengthen his community and working to encourage and support those around him.

  • Nate has over 22 years of experience in the finance industry, holding key roles like Chief Operations Officer and Head of Business Development.

    Nate is also one of the founding members of 'Anew Therapy' - a medical clinic in Sandy, Utah - that focuses on helping patients with mental health changes through Ketamine therapy.

    Nate believes in the critical nature each of us play in our communities, and the importance of prioritizing mental health and wellness.

    As a visionary leader, he continues to champion innovative approaches to mental healthcare, driving positive change and fostering resilience within communities.Description text goes here

  • Jason has 16 Years of Therapy Experience: Rooted in years of diverse and enriching professional practice. He specializes in all varieties of mental healthcare such as Grief, Addiction Recovery, Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, and Grief Coaching.

    It has always been the i love you, bro project’s goal to offer the men in our community free access to shame-free group spaces, and with the help and experience of Jason, we offer shame-free one on one care as well.

  • "I always try to live by the notion that 'You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.'

    "Since I first reached out to Joe, I knew that he was a guy that was a 'Go and Doer'. I strongly believe in Joe's big dream and helping eliminate men's suicide and improving the mental health of the men in our community. Joe seems tireless in his passion for men's mental health and suicide prevention. He is one of the most dedicated people I have ever met, and I'm thankful to be a part of this cause."

    Troy donates his office space in West Jordan for us to hold our 'Courage to Bro' men's support groups

  • “In 2009, we lost my wife's little sister to suicide on her 15th birthday..

    In 2015, my son attempted suicide and was in the hospital for a week and we had many ups and downs. We are so grateful that he pulled through and is still with us.

    In 2016, I lost my little brother to suicide and that completely changed my life forever.

    I've gone through a lot of heartbreak and loss in my life but I now use my experience to help men."

    Aside from his great passion for Men's Mental Health, Clint is a well-known man of business in his community. He currently owns and operates:

    * Big O Tires - South Jordan

    * Only Redd's Men's Grooming Company

    * TRU Bros Handyman Services

    * TRU Business Consultants

    * TRU Advocates

  • Tauasu “Tau” Harrington was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii in a family where the Aloha Spirit was a way life.

    Tau has experienced the despair and hopelessness of addiction and finds fulfillment in sharing the light and hope that comes from connection.

    In 2010, he founded The A-Game Institute to study and promote peek human performance in all aspects of life.

    Professionally, Tau is a storyteller by trade who uses his skill and talents to help clients with brand development, creative marketing, and media production.

    Tau is a powerful Advocate for Men's Mental Health, Suicide Prevention, and ongoing Personal Development for men.

  • "In 2020, I lost his 10-month-old son. Two months before that, I lost my biological mother just two weeks before I was set to visit her. Four months after my son’s death, I unexpectedly lost my sister. Then, four months later, I lost my mother on my 35th birthday. I have always struggled with depression and mental health, but I keep going by finding the beauty in life. I have sought therapy and continue to do so, and I have grown dramatically since becoming part of the ILYB family.

    Despite my hardships, I look forward to helping others find light in the darkness. I am business-minded and founded Only Redd's in 2017. Currently, I work as a Parts Director at Moto United in Draper, UT. I enjoy spending time with my daughter, walking my dog, fly fishing, and anything related to powersports. I believe everything happens for a reason, and through the tragedies in my life, I aim to be a beacon of light to help guide others".

  • "Having served as an Executive Assistant and Adobe Access Global Well-being Lead for over fifteen years, I leverage my platform to Advocate for Mental Health Awareness. This cause holds significant personal importance for me as someone living with PTSD and suicidal ideation.

    "As a survivor of sexual violence, I firmly believe in the importance of enhancing safety for oneself and loved ones, beginning with prevention measures. Mental illness doesn't discriminate, underscoring the need for universal support. Initiating action, no matter where, is crucial. That's precisely what we're striving for with the "I Love You Bro" project. "

    Men’s mental health and suicide prevention are crucial because men often face unique societal pressures and expectations that make it challenging for them to seek help or express their emotions openly. Traditional notions of masculinity often discourage vulnerability and emotional expression, leading many men to suffer in silence."

    Felicia is a powerful Advocate for not only Men's Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, but also in the ongoing growth and development for men: to be better Fathers, Husbands, and Members of Society.

  • "Mental Health is something I have always been passionate about, as I have always had close family members struggle with severe mental illnesses. 

    In June of 2020, my passion and desire for helping people in mental health drastically increased. 

    On June 5, 2020, I got a call from a police officer that changed me forever; my husband of 10 years had died by suicide. Since then, I have spent much of the last few years researching, educating, and trying to make sense of a tragedy. 

    I know suicide is preventable.  

    I also know that a lot of times when men are struggling, they often feel they have to "man up" or can't show their emotions. I love the I Love You, Bro Project for trying to change that narrative and help men who are struggling with mental health challenges feel comfortable and confident in reaching out for help". 

    Amanda graduated from Southern Utah University in 2009 with a Bachelors in Human Development and Psychology.  She's spent the majority of her adult life working in health care. She's currently been at Huntsman Mental Health Institute for 13 years working with kids and teens in the partial hospitalization programs. Before that, Amanda worked with girls in residential treatment centers and preschools.

  • "I've had my own personal struggles with depression and mental health over the years and the i love you, bro Project has been a great anchor and resource for me."

    Aside from his personal passion for Men's Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, Tua enjoys being a Business Development Exec at B10 Capital.

    His career puts him in touch daily with high-net-worth individuals and companies, discussing their tax strategies. Most importantly, it allows him to be around amazing people everyday.

  • Our instructor, Emily Freeze (MA, LMFT, MPH, PMH-C) is the founder and owner of New Beginnings Counseling Group. 

    As a Marriage and Family Therapist, Emily is passionate about working with couples struggling in their relationships. Some of the most common issues that she works with include: depression/anxiety, conflict resolution, improving communication skills, managing life transitions and adjustment, infidelity/betrayal, sex and intimacy issues and rebuilding trust. She is committed to teaching couples how they can strengthen their relationships by improving communication skills, building emotional intimacy and learning more effective ways in handling conflict in order to achieve a deeper, more meaningful connection.

    Emily specializes in women’s mental health issues and understands the unique set of challenges related specifically to women’s reproductive & maternal mental health. Her specialties in this area include: postpartum depression and anxiety, infertility, life transitions (i.e., adjustment to motherhood, menopause, etc.), trauma, codependency and grief/loss (i.e., miscarriage, stillbirths, etc.).

    Utilizing education, training and her own life’s experience has proven to be some of the most effective tools and resources in providing her clients with empathy and compassion, a deeper understanding and insight into problems, as well as much needed emotional support, resulting in a great sense of hope and healing. Emily has shared, “Seeing lives change is the greatest and most satisfying aspect of what I do!”

    Emily graduated with honors from Indiana Wesleyan University, receiving her Master of Arts (MA) degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. In addition, Emily received a Masters degree in Public Health (MPH) from the University of Hawaii and was nominated into the National Honorary Society of Public Health. She received her Bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University in Family Science, with a minor in Psychology.

    In her graduate and post-graduate work, Emily received specialized training in postpartum depression/anxiety and is certified in Perinatal Mental Health (PMH-C). In addition, she received postgraduate specialty training in EMDR, infertility counseling, an externship in Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT), as well as completing a certification course on “Making Marriages Work” and Levels 1 & 2 of the Gottman Method, taught by founders John & Julie Gottman. Finally, Emily has taken professional development training in grief and loss, infidelity, mindfulness, ADHD, and addictions.

    Emily is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and an Approved Supervisor in the State of Utah. She is an active member of the Utah Association of Marriage and Family Therapy as well as a Clinical Fellow of the national American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT). In addition, Emily is a member of Postpartum Support International (PSI) and of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” - Winston Churchill

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  • PC Plumbing sponsored 3 men to have therapy for a month. Thank you!

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